Phenomenal Reviews
I hope nobody minds me posting about Mass Effect 2 again... this'll be the last time I mention this game, I swear
...(give or take a couple included/absent romance options eventually worth noting in the future
)...But yeah... Technically i really do have little time to park myself in front of a TV for a couple of hours of engrossing Sci-fi RPG adverturin'... But I might have to sneak in a little playthrough here and there for the sake of Bioware... And considering the absolutely stellar reviews this game is currently getting, I think I may have finally been sold on the merits of forking over $60 for a game (I still think it's kind of overpriced, but whatever
).I've been a fan of Bioware since the days of Baldur's Gate I (if anyone even has any clue as to what I'm referring to)... so it's nice to see that in spite of the company's evolving and recent acquisition by EA, their titles just keep getting better and better. Now if you guys don't mind, I think I have a little pre-ordering to attend to