Classic Adorable Robert James Hoffman... The III...
It's funny how by the time you get to the third generation of relatives/descendants carrying the same name, all of sudden the name itself starts sounding regal
. But... yeah, Robert's lineage aside I just thought I'd highlight a few favorite clips from the 29 year-old actor/choreographer/crazy urban ninja himself
...Totally secure in his masculinity... and perhaps just a tad bit conceited? (in a good way of course
)... I will admit, I do find the idea of Robert dating himself borderline hot (as disturbing as it may seem)... He/they do make a great couple nonetheless
...This second clip has got to be one of my favorites though... totally inappropriate yet absolutely hilarious. Believe it or not, I've got a couple aquiantances who act like this IRL (emphasis on acquaintances
...). Truth be told though, my discomfort meter would probably go way down were it Robert engaging in the 'TADS'... and perhaps that goes doubly so with the last guy in this clip. Gorgeous.