These guys are practically an institution unto themselves at this point... hence their very own August convention dedicated to all things past, present and future Blizzard; not least of which is yet another new expansion announcement to one of its flagship franchises...I managed to quit this gaming equivalent of crack a couple months after leaving college (job searching and need for a roof over the head will do that to ya
BlizzCon is at it again...
If there were ever a college-level course on how to create and sustain a successful gaming company, I'd imagine they'd have to devote a month (at the very least) to Blizzard's business model
These guys are practically an institution unto themselves at this point... hence their very own August convention dedicated to all things past, present and future Blizzard; not least of which is yet another new expansion announcement to one of its flagship franchises...I managed to quit this gaming equivalent of crack a couple months after leaving college (job searching and need for a roof over the head will do that to ya
)... But I am tempted every now and again to log back in. Unfortunately as alluring as checking out the new races/classes might be, I think I'll just avoid this one altogether and hold out for the upcoming Starcraft sequel
These guys are practically an institution unto themselves at this point... hence their very own August convention dedicated to all things past, present and future Blizzard; not least of which is yet another new expansion announcement to one of its flagship franchises...I managed to quit this gaming equivalent of crack a couple months after leaving college (job searching and need for a roof over the head will do that to ya