A perfect dream of beauty captured flawlessly almost like an art piece on canvas...
...is how I'd describe this series of shots, were I to be in a melodramatic mood ... It just so happens that I'm not... so I'll just settle with referring to them as simply gorgeous .
Plus in that time, I've noticed few if any other blogs have even bothered to feature this gorgeous computer science major... odd. One has to wonder whether or not these pics would remain nearly as inconspicuous were they taken be taken this year (I have my doubts )...
Anyhow, in between looking gorgeous for the camera and barely keeping a set of jeans up, Alex also finds the time to work at his local Abercrombie outlet in New York. He certainly has 'the look' I suppose... Now all he needs is to work on expanding his portfolio with other equally great photographers ...
For the time being, these amazing shots by Joseph will have to do (and I can't say that I'm one to complain )... You can check out more of Joseph Bleu's stylized photography over at his photography blog.