So let's have at it. Which physically competitive activity features the hottest male athletes on earth? (Note: Being the nature of this blog as it is, you don't necessarily have to be into sports to answer the poll
New Poll
I'll try to avoid turning this into an actual long-running theme seeing as there's eventually a couple posts I'd like to make pretty soon (not related to sports photography)... We'll see how long that lasts
... But yeah, as you might've noticed, there's a new ongoing poll over to the top left. The question this month?... Well, one of the perks about finding guys attractive and being into sports is that you get the best of both worlds. Healthy/fun/competitive activities featuring the hottest guys on earth (or at least the most physically in shape
So let's have at it. Which physically competitive activity features the hottest male athletes on earth? (Note: Being the nature of this blog as it is, you don't necessarily have to be into sports to answer the poll
So let's have at it. Which physically competitive activity features the hottest male athletes on earth? (Note: Being the nature of this blog as it is, you don't necessarily have to be into sports to answer the poll