I heart Leon Ockenden
How is it possible that perhaps one of the most gorgeous UK hearthrobs currently on the scene... can somehow oddly enough wind up being one of the most conspicuously absent/ignored actors on the net. I'm thinking perhaps I might have to do something about that
......by introducing you of course to one of my latest crushes; the 31 year-old British actor Leon Ockenden (as seen most beautifully captured in mid-sentence up above on the left
). The actor not only responsible for being the latest to 'bear it all' for the UK's hit series The Secret Diary of a Call Girl, but also for modeling the very face gamers across the world have been playing with for the past couple of months in the groundbreaking blockbuster PS3 title Heavy Rain...(a game mind you which I just happen to have fallen in love with
Being that the vast majority of us don't live in the UK, it's understandable that Leon (aka the man behind the polygon face), might be somewhat of a mystery to us. So I figured perhaps examining just a small snapshot of his past acting endeavors might be in order
...And yes, if anybody's wondering, I would've paid to see this play in person. It's a shame considering Plague over England only ran for a couple of months back in 2009... and even then, it only made it's appearance in the UK (I'm envious
)... But whatever, both Leon and his acting partner 29 year-old Sam Heughan sure have the passion angle locked solid... and I think that's good enough for me
.Speaking of Sam Heughan, something tells me we might have to explore a few more of his passionate angles sometime in the near future (hints, winks and whatnot
). But for the time being, I think I'm fine with him sharing his moment with Leon. They certainly made a fantastic... pair. Now if only they could've generated a Sam model to go with my current Norman Jayden (aka Leon Ockendon) character in Heavy Rain. The possibilities would be endless