So I managed to save $1,000.... (for the time being)
Zoom lenses, Prime lenses, mid-range telephoto lenses, which-one-should-I-settle-for-considering-they're-all-so-expensive lenses... Decisions, decisions, and so much variety in utility and quality out there. What's an ultra-amateur/somewhat intermediate skilled photographer like yours truly to do? I'd like a prime lens, but I'd also like zoom lens, and I'd prefer them both super-sharp, but at the moment I'm strapped for cash for about a month or so... Hm... I think this calls for a compromise of sorts
...Enter the off-the-beaten path lens (aka the I couldn't afford the additional $1,000 for a 24-70mm lens, so I settled for a 35-70mm
). A compromise true, but for a lens once considered as one of Nikon's best... and still insanely sharp even compared to some of the prime lenses within similar range, I figure it's a worthwhile investment... for the time being. (*eyes shift nervously wondering if I should've just saved...*