Perhaps it's time to rethink that misconception maybe... especially considering how insanely cute some of these Russian models coming out are nowadays. With of course this guy below being one such prime example. (btw, is there even a Russian male model scene? I've barely ever encountered male models from Russia, so who knows
So, so cute... I know it's kind of strange, but I'm thinking it might be the nose

Anyhow facial features aside, clearly the rest of this hottie is equally... well, it's more than just adorable; I'd say more like downright sexy. In a kind of super lean yet well defined way
Just gorgeous.. If but only I had a full name. From what I gathered though his first name is Nik and of course his ethnicity/nationality is Russian, but I'm afraid that's all I've got to go on at the moment
. Notwithstanding the of course obvious fact that he's incredibly photogenic... Plus, well...