Michael Downs defines Masculinity

M stands for masculine, A for appealing, S for superb, C for captivating, and U for uncanny... mrgreen. Put them all together what have you got?... well MASCU of course; Michael Anthony Downs latest blog cool.
Ok, so yeah, I made the top part up, MASCU isn't really an acronym (as far as I can tell) mrgreen... for if it were, there'd have to be a 'B' placed in there somewhere... for beautiful. Every - single - shot Michael Downs currently has featured on his blog are in fact some of the most beautiful men he's worked with. Quite amazing stuff.
MASCU was created apparently to showcase gorgeous shots that for one reason or another never found their way to online or print publications. Eventually some these photos might appear in a new upcoming coffee table book Michael is working on, so as much as it might be a great photoblog, you can almost also think of it as a preview of a current ongoing project cool...
And yes if MASCU is any indication of some of the models might turn up in that book, then it's undoubtedly something to look forward to cool. You can check out more of these beautif... err, I mean Masculine men over at Michael's gorgeous blog... I'm sure MASCU will make quite a snug fit as the latest blog on my blogmate list mrgreen...