Yes that's right... the um, hot new Vulca S. by... uh, (*logs onto Vulca website*)... ah yes, the Vulca S. by the Italian car makers for the most absurdly wealthy, Faralli & Manzatti.
Sleek and carefully hand-crafted over the span of 11 painstaking months , the Vulca S. sports a look that almost screams 'you'll never afford me !'... which is in fact true, I'll never afford a Vulca S. (assuming I would even want one in the first place )... but yeah, this car goes 0 to 60mph in 3.9 seconds, and boasts a top speed of over 200mph... I can almost imagine going 200 on a New Jersey highway... talk about a short trip from point A to point B (in more ways than one )...
There are only 10 Vulcas set to be to be produced by Faralli and Manzatti; apparently this is one of them... (*eyes the leather pattern*)... hm, no comment .
Wired's Autotopia featured the Vulca today (seeing as it just went on sale on Monday), and I thought it looked kinda sexy. In terms of practicality though, there are some glaring flaws... especially considering how supposedly 'expensive' and 'exclusive' this car is supposed to be... (judging from the rear windshield, lets hope the future Vulca drivers know how to back up carefully )...