Black males in the art of David Kawena

I recently spotlighted the work of Israeli conceptual artist David Kawena at my other blog Gay Goss.

Kawena combines homo eroticism, pop culture and Disney with a fine eye for the male form (and given these images a fine eye for the black male form as well).

David Kawena says of this piece: 'This one is the legendary John Henry! The first African American Disney Hero in the collection! He was also Disney's first animated African American hero in their history! After him came another African American male figure that was featured in a full length animated classic movie - and he will also be a part of the Heroes Collection soon enough. But the most amazing news I've heard was last year's revealing that the upcoming Disney classic "The Princess and the Frog" will feature Disney's first African American Princess - it's about freaking time right?! - Hopefully she will also have a hunky love interest'

Check out more of his work HERE at Gay Goss.

Also visit his site at Deviant Art and support this great artist HERE

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