Occasionally I get requests from this blogs readers for specific models or wallpapers and occasionally readers are kind enough to send me a selection of their favorite black guys so thanks go out to BMW for this great selection of fine looking black dudes!
If you want to send in your own favorite black dudes to appear on this blog for the world to enjoy just mail me at pukkap (at) gmail.com (preferably with an idea of where they came from so I can provide a blog credit but this isn't always possible) and in the mean time enjoy these beautiful blk thugs and models from BMW...
This is Style Diovanni one of the hottest male models I've seen in a while. He is a very experienced fashion and fitness model and has completed some very diverse campaigns. Thanks to Zipp for letting us know about this model. He has all the goods - body and looks! I'm sure you'll agree after checking out some of his work below: